Thursday 8 March 2012

Milkround Yesterday - Hallmark/Tigerprint Placement

I went to a networking event yesterday at leeds university called Milkround. I booked one-on-one tutorials with some of the visiting professionals including Hallmark and Tigerprint. Hallmark offered me a placement which was great but informed me that if I did one with them I couldn't do one with Tigerprint as well as they are a branch of Hallmark. I didn't ask Tigerprint for a placement during my interview, however I think that they would be more suitable as they have a London studio, which I discussed with them. They seemed positive about my work, and Hallmark were happy to get me in touch with Tigerprint afterwards so I could see if they would like to offer me a placement. I  e-mailed them straight away and they said they would! Woo.

They also said that they would fund travel and pay me for any live work I do at £150 a piece which is fantastic! They also said that if I want to go freelance afterwards then there was the possibility of a freelance contract at £8 an hour.
I am now in the process of discussing dates...

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