Thursday 1 March 2012

Jelly internship

For the last two weeks I have been on an internship with Jelly London, an illustration agency in central London. My practice has always had a strong illustrative aesthetic, and I knew that this placement opportunity would help me to decide my path for the next few months and post-uni. Jelly were particularly interested in my illustrative type work, as they explained that this is a style very much in commercial demand at the moment, however while they have a vast pool of illustrators that they represent and work with, they only represent three that work with illustrated type; Alison Carmichael, Steven Bonner and Matt Lyon (Three of my favourite lettering designers). For this reason they got me working on dead type briefs that had been completed in the past or not at all by those three designers. 
They treated me like I was actually working for them, giving me formal briefs, deadlines, regular critiques (every few hours) and feedback, essentially the rep would art direct me through the brief until we reached a solution that she was happy with. I think I coped well with this style of working as it is one I am familiar with on the course. The feedback was good for each brief and they commented on how quickly I work which was good. I was able to ask them so many questions about how the industry works, how their agency works, pricing for each job etc. 
Two of my briefs were sent around the studio and to the owner who gave me some really positive and constructive feedback. Three Blind Mice, the sister studio to Jelly have kept me on their books so that I can potentially do some freelance work with them over the next few months.
I was advised that my work is commercially viable and I have decided to try and go freelance as an lettering illustrator when I finish rather than apply directly for studio jobs. I have received a lot of advice from this placement on how to approach this, in terms of contacting agencies as well as publishing houses. advertising agencies and graphic design studios. 
They showed me Alison Carmichael's illustration portfolio which has helped me determine the way I need to start presenting myself.
I have been invited back in the summer and am currently arranging the exact dates. I think that this will be a great kickstart to my freelance career as this will help me get into the professional mind set when I have finished uni.

These are some images of the work I completed whilst on my placement :

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