Monday 25 April 2011

Image module - Self initiated brief

I have reflected on my initial ideas for the self-initiated part of this project and also my 3 'concept' 'context' and 'content' boards and made some final decisions about what I am going to produce. Due to the fact that I am unfortunately at home in Suffolk for the duration of my Easter break working at my job  I have realized that I am in fact extremely limited as to what I can achieve without the facilities of the uni. I am also completely broke after having to pay my deposit on my house for next year, so unfortunately I am going to have to work on an extremely limited budget. This is a little frustrating, but I will just have to work with what I've got! Therefore I have designed an adaptation of the 'Type as Image' brief which I will be able to work on over Easter while I am at home without the studio and other facilities. I think that this was one of my strongest briefs and definitely my favorite. I think that image driven type is an area of graphic design that I would really like to explore. I have altered the brief slightly although I wanted to keep the deliverables the same and focus on the design. Considering my limitations of being at home over Easter, I am limited as to what I can produce as a deliverable, although an a1 print is possible as I have a print session booked for this. I think that the context of the image in itself is that it is type. The main alteration I am making to the brief is the time frame; I will really enjoy the opportunity to spend more time on the design process of this brief, whereas before we ha to do it in just one week.

Title : Type as image (Revised and extended)

Brief : Select three quotes carefully from printed media gathered in preparation for this brief and visually communicate them using only the text in which they are written. Minimal additional image should be used.

Background : The context of a quote depends upon who said it, whom it was said to (even if there was on one there), the environment in which is said and the tone in which it was spoken. “Words” do not exist out of context.
Working with type as image allows you to convey more than simply words the have been written.The quote exists in the context of the article so how can this give you visual clues as to how the text from the quote may work as image?

Considerations : THINK VISUALLY. Consider what the visual essence of your subject matter is (the quote) and how best to communicate this. What are the obvious responses? How can you move beyond these?
Will the quote exist in the environment, on someone’s hand or a wall? Is it handcrafted or digital?
Is colour important? Will you work with just one typeface or will you use a range? Do typefaces have to be hybrid?

Practical Considerations : There are no media restrictions. You can work photographically, across three dimensions, collage, incorporate print making methods or combine all of these processes.
You can work directly onto A2 or carefully attach your type. You must be able to record any three-dimensional work in a two-dimensional form. This will however be restricted by having limited use of the studio.

Mandatory : All images should be supported by a broad range of visual investigation in the form of design sheets and notebooks.
The final image should be presented on an A1 portrait format.
All type must be based on an existing typeface.

Deliverables : Three visually resolved quotes submitted on A1 (but potentially investigated into other possible contexts.)

DEADLINE : 26th April 1pm

Research : Mike Perry 'Hand Job' book, online typographic research.

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