Monday 3 January 2011



1) In terms of the areas of graphic design that I want to focus on for my practice; my main areas of interest are illustration, illustrated type and image driven design work.

2) Ideally I would like to work for a company or agency or collective that tends to work on more light hearted, humourous, design driven briefs. My interests and design practice is more asthetically driven than concept driven, focussing on beauty and what that means above anything else. I would hope to be able to work with like-minded designers.

3) From my research into the kind of place I would like to work, I think I would like to work for a smaller more specialist company or team, where I get to work closely with other designers.

4) Working as part of a team appeals to me greatly, as I think I am a good team player, and I like generating ideas in a group, rather than in the confines of my own head.

5) Working abroad is something that really appeals to me. I like the idea of working, living and experiencing a different culture, and also because a lot of companies that I have looked at in my research, such as 'Mannshaft', 'Bunch' and 'Mopa'; are based in foreign countries. 

6) Other than working abroad, I am attracted to London as a place of work, and am interested in a lot of graphic design companies illustration agencies there and what they have to offer, such as 'ilovedust'. I am attracted to the excitement of the capital city as the centre of design and arts in this country.

7) In terms of promotion, I think that networking and building initial relationships with companies/agencies is very important. Especially if I want to work abroad eventually. I will do this by directly contacting places and people, in an effort to get industrial experience and let them know I exist. I am also very focussed on developing some other promotional material for myself that represents what I do and the tone of voice of me asa product.... such as buisness cards, website etc.

8) Looking to the near future, as in next few weeks, I want to try and make the most of the opportunities available to me at the moment : I have a place to stay near Amsterdam for the next few weeks, and I intend to try to get myself out there somehow and try to get some industrial experience, even if it is just to look around for the day.

9) Looking towards Easter and the summer break, I want to look to get some industrial experience in London. This could potentially establish some connections with some companies situated there. I will most likely be working in Suffolk back home over Summer, so it would make a lot of sense to try and get some experience locally with companies like 'The Point' in Norwich and 'Herringbone Design' in Aldeburgh.

10) Obviously competition is a huge element to the industry. The way that I will separate myself from the rest is to create a really clear and distinguished image of who I am. I want clients/companies to want to employ me because of what I do, and what I can do for them.

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