Tuesday 7 June 2011

notes for ppd presentation



Looking back over the last two years, I think it is clear to see that I have definitely faced an ongoing struggle to find my place as a graphic designer, and refine what my personal practice is. Coming from a fine art and illustration background, I found if very hard to find a way to produce the work I wanted to produce within a graphic design context. This conflict between graphic design and illustration was brought up in my last ppd presentation, which is why I want to focus on this issue in particular.


I was really dissatisfied with my work for the print module, the first module of the second year. I feel that I was really out of practice, and although I felt I was working hard, I feel that I made some rushed and poor decisions leading to disappointing final outcomes and the lowest grade I have got so far on the course. I think that this was down to poor time management of the balance between research and practice - in terms of not allowing myself enough time for the practical side. As well as struggling with the balance between the image driven design I wanted to produce, and what was appropriate for the brief.


On the other hand, and quite unexpectedly, I really enjoyed the design for screen module. I think what I like about it was that for most of us it was a completely new area to explore so everyone started off at relatively equal ability. This was the perfect opportunity for me to apply my image driven style to an appropriate context, and despite the fact that I dont think motion graphics is an area that I want to pursue, the module really helped me to start to find a direction. I also found that throughout this module my time management, documentation and evaluation skills really improved, resulting in my highest mark so far - which was probably as a result of the drive I got from my disappointment with the previous grade.

The one common denominator from both these modules, was the way that I started to work with illustrated type, which in a way I think started to define my practice....


The defining point for me this year was the image module. I really enjoyed every brief and felt that it helped me to apply image driven design to a range of media across graphic design practice. The area that I enjoyed the most was the 'Type as Image' brief where we had to explore image driven typography which became something that I continued to explore for the final studio brief.


Another element of the image module I really enjoyed was the book fair brief. I liked the crafting element as well as working to a live deadline and being able to sell the work at the book fair. I enjoyed having the time to work with more hands-on practices like screen printing as well, which I have found that I often dont have enough time during the studio briefs.


This encouraged me to participate in the pop up shop later on in the year. I definitely find it really satisfying working towards something with a possible outcome of being able to sell or display something.


I also did a series of live briefs this year, both paid and unpaid which I found was a good experience, also, in some cases, enabled me to continue with illustration work that I want to continue with outside of the course, but that isn't necessarily relevant for the briefs I want to peruse on the course.


I think that the product range distribution brief was where it all came together for me this year. I knew early on in the brief writing process that I wanted to work with illustrated type, and this brief allowed me to do so. I designed a range of illustrated typefaces and applied them to a range of media. I felt that this project is the first time I have successfully found a balance between graphic design and illustration, and properly applied image driven design to the correct media and context.


This brief also allowed me to design a publication which is something that I had not yet ever attempted on the course. It allowed me to work with layout in way that I hadn't done previously as well as working with publication as a print based media, rather than packaging. Although the outcome was fairly simplistic in design by most standards, it was a huge learning curb for me.


Another element I really enjoyed during this module was the web design workshops. Although I have been taught some basic coding in the past, it was a completely new piece of software for me to use but I really enjoyed it and found the outcomes really satisfying. This prompted me to design a website for the product range distribution brief as well. I really want to pursue this area both over the summer and leading on into next year.


In terms of my plans for the summer, I want to create my personal website as well as doing some freelance work for a couple of people. I am also looking forward to my placement with the design conspiracy later on in the summer.


In terms of next year, I want to continue with my exploration of illustrated type,

image driven design across a range of media including hands on processes such as screen print and crafting ,

as well as web design.

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