Tuesday 3 May 2011

End of module evaluation - Enterprise

Module Code :OUCE255
Module Title : Enterprise

I think that throughout this module I have developed a variety of new strengths and skills. I have not had any kind of business background, so most of what I have learnt through the lecture program and tasks has been completely new to me. I found the information about legal statuses of our work and good business practice particularly interesting and I think that this is especially relevant as this will apply to us going out to work for other companies as well as starting up our own. I found the lectures explained things clearly and that my notes were thorough enough - (if not a little too lengthy!) - to refer to for the presentation research. I found some of the tasks easier than others, but I felt that they really helped me to understand the models and ideas presented in the lecture program. In terms of the presentation, I found that this helped me to improve my research skills, especially with regards to primary research as it was impossible to find out the correct information without contacting people. I think that our company was based upon an interesting and innovative idea and was thoroughly researched as a group. I think that we worked incredibly well as a group, we listened to each other successfully met regularly and had similar ideas of what we wanted to create and what we wanted to get out of the experience.

In terms of weaknesses, I think that our presentation skills were not as strong as other people presenting in our session, but hopefully the content helped to redeem us. I think that my other weaknesses were my ability to apply the models from the lectures to the tasks that were set, however, I felt that applying these to the group project presentation helped me to develop a better understanding.

Three things that I will do differently next time :
1) Revisit the tasks towards the end of the module to see if I could improve on my first attempt once I had a better understanding.
2) Make better use of the quizzes to develop a better understanding - I only remembered to complete a couple.
3) Perhaps try to improve upon my presentation skills. My confidence has certainly grown since first year with regards to presenting, however I still have a long way to come and was very nervous for the presentation.

How I would grade myself on the following areas:
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance 5
Punctuality 5
Motivation 4
Commitment 5
Quantity of work produced 4
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 5

1 comment:

  1. POLLY- glad you found the tasks useful in putting the information from the lectures into context.Well done for doing primary research for the presentation-invaluable.Your successful teamwork was evident in the presentation,the strength of the content,the commitment to each other and maturity was commendable. You didn’t have to do the quizzes but if they helped,then good.Nerves are a good thing-they mean you care about whatever it is you’re doing.
