Monday 13 December 2010



'The Point' is a creative advertising agency based in Norwich, which is not far from my hometown and is where I lived for a year when I was on my art foundation. Although The Point is a an advertising agency rather than a graphic design agency, they have a creative department and the head of it, Ian Mckinnon-Evans used to be in a band with my dad (hahahahaha) and is a good friend. It is not set in stone that I could get some industrial experience, but Ian has always been really supportive of my career so I think it would be extremely wise to get in touch with him and see if I could get any experience!

1 comment:

  1. hey polly-you are right it would be sensible to contact your dads old bandmate.if he can't fit you in for work exp,he will be able to advise you of other companies and give you names and numbers-very valuable.
    see you tomorrow for a chat in the sesh.x
