Wednesday 27 October 2010

Group tutrorial prep


Module Code 
Module Title 

1. What is Industrial experience? 

Industrial experience is about getting to grips with the industry of graphic design. It is extremely beneficial to you as a designer and a budding professional to get experience by way of work placements within the industry, however it is just as valuable, if not more valuable to simply observe by way of short day/couple of hour visits just to look around, speaking to designers etc. Industrial experience is about getting as broad a range of information and experience in the industry, so as to develop as best an understanding as possible about the industry itself.

2. What can you learn from industrial experience? 

From industrial experience you can get a better understanding how you would actually work as a graphic designer, learning about the things that we have not yet had to deal with much whilst on a degree course. For example interacting with a client, understanding their needs from what they tell you, and interpreting them correctly. This is conversation that I have had experience with on such a small scale, e.g. small illustrations jobs which are mostly for friends, which does not give you the real experience of dealing with a client of which you may have no relationship with to start with. Another area of knowledge that you would gain fro industrial experience is communicating with printers. We are developing the skills to be able to do this, but actually working with a printer is a whole different experience. These two main areas of communication are something that you really would only be able to learn about and understand properly from experience in the industry.

3. What form/format could industrial experience take? 

Industrial experience can take all kinds of forms:

Working as an 'in house' designers for buisnesses of varying sizes.

Freelance designers - working independently doing a variety of jobs for various clients.

Working in independent practices set up by a few individuals.

Working as part of a design agency.

4. What areas of industry are you interested in? 




5. What are your concerns about industrial experience?

I am concerned about having a portfolio that best represents/reflects what kind of work I want to do.
I worry that I will not feel that I am capable of working for the kind of place that I want to work.
The competition - graphic design is such a competitive industry.
I also am worried about having a bad experience with a company that isn't right for me and as a result loosing faith and confidence in the industry and myself.

1 comment:

  1. ok -one at a probably wont need a portfolio of work to secure a work exp- just a few examples to PDF to them.
    Why would you not be capable of working for the companies you choose? you are only asking for 1 work exp not a £ 30.000 job- you have all the skills to achieve that and more.
    Yep- it is a competitive industry but you knew that when you signed up.
    You may have a bad experience but better to have that than will learn from it. An ex student did a few years back and lost his confidence for a while but has gone on to great THINGS.
